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Day 0 Self
Episode 366

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Recognizing the journey towards financial independence requires an understanding of one's starting point and intentionality in setting goals. Emphasizing the concept of 'day zero', the hosts discuss the significance of being clear about motivations and aspirations. The episode argues against the standard corporate ladder mentality, advocating for a personalized approach to life where listeners are encouraged to define their own paths toward financial independence and personal fulfillment. The discussion also delves into the importance of accountability practices, such as journaling and setting systems rather than mere goals, to sustain motivation during the changing phases of life. Through anecdotal experiences and insights, hosts Jonathan Mendonsa and Brad Barrett inspire listeners to reflect on their values and make meaningful changes that align with their financial independence journey.

Episode Timestamps

Show Notes for ChooseFI Episode

Episode Title: The Pitfalls of Financial Independence and Recognizing Day Zero
Hosts: Jonathan Mendonsa and Brad Barrett
Episode Summary: Financial independence is not merely a destination but a continual journey of self-discovery and intention. Embracing the concept of 'day zero' helps clarify one's motivations for pursuing FI, moving beyond societal expectations and into personal fulfillment. This episode explores behavioral psychology behind financial decisions and creating sustainable systems for long-term change.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Introduction

    • The hosts introduce the episode's theme about the pitfalls of financial independence and the importance of recognizing 'day zero.'
  • Podcast Intro:

    • "You're listening to ChooseFI. The blueprint for financial independence lives here..."
  • Day Zero Concept

    • Understanding 'day zero' and its significance in initiating the journey toward financial independence.
  • Recognizing Life Beyond 9 to 5

    • What it means to design a life beyond traditional work structures, focusing on personal fulfillment.
  • Behavioral Psychology in Finance

    • Discussing how understanding the psychology behind financial choices can lead to more meaningful goals.
  • Understanding Accountability

    • The importance of personal accountability in achieving financial goals.
  • The Importance of Systems vs. Goals

    • Why creating systems that support change is essential, rather than focusing only on goals.
  • Actionable Takeaways

    • Summary of key actions listeners can take to better manage their financial lives and pursue financial independence.

Key Quotes:

  • "Design your life for fulfillment, not just financial milestones."
  • "Fill your life with learning and value beyond financial metrics."
  • "Create systems that make change sustainable, not just temporary."
  • "Utilize your current strengths to shape a better financial future."
  • "Set intentional financial goals supported by sustainable systems."

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Start an audio journal to help document your journey toward financial independence.
  • Shift your focus from short-term goals to sustainable systems for financial success.
  • Be intentional about the change you want to create in your life and recognize why it matters.


  • What is 'day zero' in financial planning?
    Day zero refers to the moment of realization that motivates one to pursue financial independence.

  • How do I shift from setting goals to building systems?
    Create sustainable systems that support your financial journey, such as consistent savings habits and mindful spending practices.

Discussion Questions:

  • What does financial independence mean to you?
  • How can behavioral psychology influence your approach to savings and spending?
  • What systems can you implement to ensure long-term financial success?


In this episode, listeners are encouraged to reflect on their motivations for pursuing financial independence and to embrace the journey as a continual process of self-discovery and growth.

Podcast Extro:
"You've been listening to ChooseFI Podcast, where we help middle-class America build wealth one life hack at a time."

Embracing Financial Independence: The Journey Begins

Financial independence (FI) is not just a destination; it is a continual journey of self-discovery, intentionality, and intelligent decision-making. Whether you are just starting or are already on your path, this article will provide you with clear, actionable insights to help you design a life filled with fulfillment, growth, and financial freedom.

Understanding Day Zero

Day Zero is your moment of realization—the time when you recognize the need for change and commit to pursuing financial independence. It is the spark that ignites your journey. To effectively harness this moment, articulate your motivations clearly. Ask yourself:

  • What do I want my life to look like?
  • How does financial independence fit into my overall life design?

Recognizing your reasons will provide a powerful framework for goal-setting and behavior modification.

The Role of Behavioral Psychology in Financial Decisions

Understanding behavioral psychology is crucial to sustainably managing your finances. Recognize that financial decisions often stem from deep-seated beliefs and emotions. To break free from limiting beliefs:

  1. Identify Triggers: Be aware of emotional triggers that lead to poor financial decisions, such as impulse buying or unnecessary spending.

  2. Reframe Perspectives: Instead of viewing saving and budgeting as deprivation, reframe these actions as empowering and liberating choices that lead to greater freedom.

  3. Create Accountability Systems: Establish systems that ensure you remain focused on your goals, such as a budget or a savings account dedicated to a specific purpose.

Systems Over Goals

Many people fall into the trap of setting specific goals without creating the supporting systems needed to achieve and maintain them. Here are key differences:

  • Goals are finite and often lead to stress and disappointment if not achieved. For example, saying, "I will save $5,000 in a year" can feel constraining.
  • Systems are ongoing and allow room for flexibility. Instead of a goal, consider saying, "I will automate my savings every month," which encourages a sustainable behavior pattern.

Implementing Systems for Long-Term Change

To successfully implement this systems-based approach, consider the following actionable takeaways:

  1. Automate Your Savings: Set up automatic transfers to a designated savings account to ensure you are saving consistently, regardless of your daily spending choices.

  2. Budget with Intent: Create a budget that reflects your values and priorities. Focus on how your spending can align with your long-term goals rather than merely restricting expenses.

  3. Document Your Journey: Consider maintaining a journal or an audio log to track your financial progress, thoughts, and insights. Reflecting on your experiences will help you identify patterns and reinforce positive behaviors over time.

The Importance of Reflection

Reflection is essential for growth. Carve out time to assess your financial habits and track how well you are adhering to your systems. This process will reinforce your commitment to your financial independence journey. Consider these prompts:

  • What changes have I noticed in my spending behavior?
  • How am I feeling about my financial progress?
  • What small wins can I celebrate today?

Designing Your Life

True financial independence arises from designing your life around your values and passions. Ask yourself what matters most to you beyond mere financial metrics. Incorporate learning, exploration, and experiences into your financial journey.

Fill Your Life with Value

Strive to fill your life with activities that provide learning and value beyond financial gain. Look beyond traditional milestones and focus on what enriches your life. This shift in perspective can lead to a more fulfilling pursuit of financial independence.

Overcoming Challenges

Recognize that challenges will arise. Maintaining your systems is critical during these moments. Reflect on how you've successfully navigated barriers in the past and apply those lessons moving forward. Create a support network—whether through friends, family, or online communities—who understand your journey.

Set Intentional Financial Goals

Be intentional about your financial targets. Rather than fixating on outcomes, focus on the systems that will support your journey. Questions to consider include:

  • What financial awareness do I want to cultivate?
  • What changes can I make to improve my savings rate?

Embracing the Journey toward FI

Remember, this journey isn't about perfection but about progress. Acknowledge that you may face setbacks, but have a plan in place to navigate them. As you move forward, remind yourself of the importance of small, consistent actions that lead to significant long-term change.

Stay Accountable to Yourself

Utilize the power of self-accountability. Regularly revisit your Day Zero reflections to remind yourself why you started this journey and to harness that motivation during difficult times. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small, and let them serve as motivation to keep going.


Financial independence is a journey, not a destination. By embracing the principles outlined in this article, you can cultivate a mindset of intentional living, establish sustainable systems, and stay connected to your motivations. As you navigate this process, remember to refine your approach continually, reflect on your progress, and prioritize what truly matters to you. This transformative journey is yours to shape—embrace it and make it fulfilling!

In this week's episode, Brad and Jonathan discuss the importance behind moment you decide it is time to make a change in your life. While making the decision to alter your life for the better is often easy, actually consistently carrying out that goal can be tough to do. We all hit road blocks, we all stray from our goals, but being able to correct your path is vital to actually changing for the better! Keep track of your progress and set yourself up to success!

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  • 0:00 - Introductions
  • 1:09 - Favorite Two Days of the Year/Berkshire Hathaway
  • 6:18 - Bumming On The Couch Story
  • 12:36 - What Are You Pivoting Towards?
  • 16:07 - Making The FI Choice
  • 19:43 - Journaling Thoughts
  • 24:54 - What Compels Change?
  • 29:50 - Accountability
  • 33:10 - Subconscious Guard Rails
  • 38:10 - 1% Changes Add Up
  • 40:45 - The Goal of Paying Off Credit Card Debt
  • 43:10 - Conclusion

Resources Mentioned In Today’s Conversation